Medical LakeSchool District

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Cyber-Smart at Medical Lake School District

Frontline, Digital_Nation

Parents, take the quiz, "What's your digital parenting style?" This is the site for the Frontline program, Digital_Nation.

This site offers some great, short "webisodes" aimed at elementary age students, complete with quizzes.

Web Wise Kids

This site has been providing unique and effective resources to equip young people to safely use and enjoy the latest technologies. It includes interactive games.

Wired Safety

This site for parents, students and teachers focuses on cyberbullying and harassment.


Internet safety videos and activities for students ages grade school through high school as well as parents and teachers.


Online training with videos for teachers, parents and students.
Report Cyberbullying
when it happens!
The definition of harassment, intimidation and bullying includes "any intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act". If you are being  harassed, intimidated or bullied while online or by text, report it using one of the Incident Reporting forms available in all of the school offices, or download the form by clicking here. The forms may be filled out and turned in anonymously. Check out some of the websites on this page to read more information about cyberbullying, and be sure to tell your parents.
For more information about programs in Medical Lake School District concerning information and prevention of harassment, intimidation and bullying, click here.