Medical LakeSchool District

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Family Access

What is Family Access?
Family Access is an application in Skyward, our student information software, that allows you to access information regarding your student/students school life. You will have the ability to see your student's daily attendance, discipline, schedule complete with teacher email links, food service account, fines and fees, High/Middle School daily assignments and missing assignments and more. Report cards are available under the "portfolio" tab. If you do not have internet access, please contact your school secretary to request a printed report card. Please keep your email address up to date using the Account Information tab in the upper right hand corner once you're logged in. This will allow you to receive notices from your school and teachers. You may also choose to utilize email notifications which will alert you to low food service balances, grades and progress reports.
  • To obtain a user name and password (or if have forgotten yours) please use the Forgot your Login/Password? link under the Sign In button or contact the office at your child's school. You must be listed as a parent or guardian to receive a user name and password.
    • Please keep your e-mail address up to date by clicking on the Account Info button at the top right of the page. You can then use the E-mail Notifications tab to select which notifications you would like to receive.
    • Money can be deposited into your child's Food Service account and Fines & Fees using your credit card. Monies deposited will be updated daily at 6:30 am, 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:00 am and 5:00 pm. InTouch will process the credit card purchase. InTouch accepts Visa and Mastercard. Your credit card statement will show the payment has been made to Medical Lake School District.
    • Once you have logged on to family access, please click on the district links in the upper right hand corner to access the "Pay with InTouch" tab. 
Debra DuPey
Family Access Administrator