Medical LakeSchool District

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District Library / Media Center Information

Sora app
To access ebooks and audiobooks through Sora click on the rocket above. Student usernames are the first 5 letters of their last name, then the first 3 letters of their first name and, then 3 zeros. So if a student's name is Bob Winter his user name would be wintebob000.  If you have questions or can't get into Sora please contact our secondary librarian Mrs. Hester at [email protected]
School Contact Information: 
524 N. Hallett St.
Medical Lake, WA 99022 
Jennifer Vega
400 W. Fairchild Hwy.
Fairchild AFB, WA 99011
Ryan Grant
Christine Talbott
1010 Lake Street
Medical Lake, WA 99022
Brenda Hester
Leah Carl
200 East Barker
Medical Lake, WA 99022
Brenda Hester
Leah Carl
509-565- 3226
Download ebooks and audio books!
Sign in with your first 5 letters of your last name, then the first 3 of your first name and then 3 zeros.
If you have problems signing in please email Mrs. Hester at [email protected]
Need to see if one of our libraries has a book you want? Click on this QR Code and search our catalog. (you can search for the whole district or by building, change this in the location window)
qr code
Click on the GALE link below to access numerous databases, this can be accessed away from school; use the password: goldfinch. 
Gale image