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Social-Emotional Learning

SEL Skill Building areas- Organized by WA State SEL standards
1. SELF-AWARENESS: individuals have the ability to identify their emotions, personal assets, areas for growth and potential external resources and supports.

Positive Discipline in the School and Classroom (Hardcopy) with mini lessons on: Self regulation, Brain in the Palm, Self Calming, Self Awareness, Emotional Awareness, The Wheel of Feelings, Positive Time Out 


manual image

Sound Discipline Pacing Guide Sections: Relationship Building, Self Regulation and Behavior; Lessons: Brain in the Hand extension activities

Sound Discipline Virtual Pacing Booster sections: Self Regulation, Social Emotional Learning, Relationships 

Resources on Regulation and Self Esteem, Feelings, & Emotions


2.  SELF-MANAGEMENT: individual has the ability to regulate emotions, thoughts and behaviors.

Positive Discipline in the School and Classroom (Hardcopy) with mini lessons on: Self regulation, Brain in the Palm, Self Calming, Self Awareness, Emotional Awareness, The Wheel of Feelings, Positive Time Out

Sound Discipline Pacing Guide Sections: Relationship Building, Self Regulation and Behavior; Lessons: Brain in the Hand extension activities, How Do I Respond?, My Tone of Voice Matters, Unique to Me

Sound Discipline Virtual Pacing Booster sections: Self Regulation, Social Emotional Learning, Relationships, Resilience Through Transition

Resources on Regulation and Self Esteem, Feelings, & Emotions  and Mindfulness/Self Care

3. SELF-EFFICACY: individuals have the ability to motivate themselves, persevere, and see themselves as capable.

Positive Discipline in the School and Classroom (Hardcopy) with mini lessons on: Classroom Guidelines, Creating Routine, Meaningful Work, Mistakes and How to FIx Them, Focusing on Solutions, Brainstorming-Roleplaying

Sound Discipline Pacing Guide Sections: Relationship Building, Self Regulation and Behavior; Lessons: Brain in the Hand extension activities, How do I Respond?, My Tone of Voice Matters, Wheel of Awareness, Teaching Routines, We are Helpful, Perspective Taking

Sound Discipline Virtual Pacing Booster sections: Social Emotional Learning, Relationships, Resilience Through Transition, Co-creating Routines, Agreements, Meaningful Work

Resources in Positive Discipline


Co-Creating Structures/Routines


Student Jobs/Contributions

Asking for Help
4. SOCIAL AWARENESS: individuals have the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Positive Discipline in the School and Classroom (Hardcopy) with mini lessons on: Building Cooperation, Mutual Respect and Respecting Differences, Communication Skills, Compliments

Sound Discipline Pacing Guide Sections: Relationship Building, Community Building Lessons: Kindness, Valuing Differences, Compliments, It’s Okay to Be Different, Perspective Talking, Perspective Taking Makes Me Helpful, Understanding Body Language, Compliments to a Deeper Level

Sound Discipline Virtual Pacing Booster sections: Relationships, Community Building, Agreements, Resilience Through Transition, Social Emotional Learning
Resources in Positive Discipline
5. SOCIAL MANAGEMENT: individuals have the ability to make safe and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions.

Positive Discipline in the School and Classroom (Hardcopy) with mini lessons on: Mistakes and How to FIx Them, Focusing on Solutions, Brainstorming-Roleplaying, Communications skills, Bugs and Wishes, I Messages, Listening Skills

Sound Discipline Pacing Guide Sections: Relationship Building, Community Building Lessons: Kindness, Valuing Differences, Compliments, It’s Okay to Be Different, Perspective Talking, Perspective Taking Makes Me Helpful, Understanding Body Language, Tone of Voice

Sound Discipline Virtual Pacing Booster sections: Social Emotional Learning, Relationships, Resilience Through Transition, Co-creating Routines, Agreements, Meaningful Work
6. SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT: individuals have the ability to consider others and show a desire to contribute to the well-being of school and community. 

Positive Discipline in the School and Classroom (Hardcopy) with mini lessons on: Mistakes and How to FIx Them, Focusing on Solutions, Brainstorming-Roleplaying, Problem Solving, Wheel of Choice, Helpful not Hurtful, Mutual Respect, Respecting Differences, Buy in For Class meetings,Class Meeting Format

Sound Discipline Pacing Guide Sections:  Community Building, Relationships and Lessons: Acts of Kindness, Compliments to a Deeper level, Listening Skills, Say Something, We are Helpful, Working Together, My Tone of Voice Matters, Perspective Taking, Say Something

Sound Discipline Virtual Pacing Booster sections: Social Emotional Learning, Relationships, Resilience Through Transition, Co-creating Routines, Agreements, Meaningful Work
Resources also found in Positive Discipline 

MLSD-What is Universal Screening for Social Emotional Learning?