Medical LakeSchool District

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Procedural Requirements for Activity Buses

Medical Lake School District
Procedural Requirements for Activity Buses
Medical Lake School District provides 4 buses for the purpose of assisting parents in getting their children home following after-school activities. These buses travel on pre-established routes that loop through areas and have stops at designated places. It is up to the parent to determine how they will get their child from the stop to home. There is no funding from the state to operate these routes. The money comes from the General Fund. Due to the lack of state funding, many districts do not offer this extra transportation service.
Students involved in a school sponsored event after the regular school day lets out may be eligible to access one of the activity buses to the stop nearest their home. Students in non-scheduled events need a signed note from the supervisor of the event noting the day and event the student is involved in. If the student, without proper authorization, is given a ride, a discipline form will be turned into the office and the student will be disciplined. Eligibility is determined by the following criteria:
  • Regularly scheduled programs such as athletic practices, class plus, extended day learning, etc.
  • Non-scheduled events such as study hall, detention, library, etc.